Hi Ho Silver on the Track.

I recently competed in my first track race of my career.

It just happen to be the USA Cycling National Championships as well.  Coincidence?  Doubt it.  Maybe I was saving the eventual immersion for when it counted.  Maybe I just like the pressure of performance.  Or maybe my teammates were just really persistent in calling me, texting me, trapping me, until I eventually had no other options but to join in the “fun”.  I was constantly looking for an escape route or excuse.  I actually considered having my wisdom teeth removed again just to avoid the track.  Yet, with Cari’s “guidance” that strangely resembled a mixture of babysitting and arm twisting, I entered my maiden voyage in not only my first Individual Pursuit, but also Team Pursuit track race and national championship.  I could not have asked for a better group of women to race with, that were understanding and supportive of my nerves, and I could not have asked for better equipment.  I rode a DOUBLE DISC!?

Bam. First track race.  First double disc experience.

Nothing but left turns, right? I mean, left.

And then it happened.  I was not only racing my first track race, but racing in the finals for a national championship title after a marginally executed qualifying round.

And then it was over.  Things go by really fast when you have speed and are only racing 4k.

Before I add anymore dramatic flair, we didn’t win.  We got second.  A silver medal in the Women’s Team Pursuit.  Should I be happy to have such a great supportive team, amazing sponsors, and a commendable finish for a race I didn’t decide I was going to do until 8 days before?  Possibly.  But 2nd place stings.  In fact, it is still burning.  Ouch.

I have so many people to thank for this experience, including my team of Cari Higgins, Erica Allar, and Jessica Prinner. Amazingly beautiful women who happen to be really fast.  And we couldn’t have done it without Jame Carney and him directing us, setting up gears, bikes, and wheels, as well as coaxing me off the track when I was convinced I was “stuck” up there.  Felt Bicycles. Catlike Helmets. Zipp Wheels.  We were smoking hot out there.  And we were so close to my first national title.

So close.  That will fuel the fire.  You may or may not see me at a track race in the future.  If not, I went in and out with a bang, that really just resembles a 2nd place performance.  Or, I will be back for more!

Hi Ho Silver.

And off into the sunset I go.


The Roadie’s Guide to Timed Event Track Racing Vol. 1


Where in the world…recap…