August bored.

August bored.

Are you bored?  Something about the word bored just makes me cringe.  I don’t believe in boredom.  If you are bored, then you must have very little for an imagination.  You must not be capable of entertaining yourself, or expanding beyond your boundaries.

I am considering signing up for cooking lessons, dance classes, hike the entire Pacific Crest Trail, and go to Disneyland.

That being said, I am bored.  Racing is winding down, far too soon in my opinion, but that is women’s cycling for you.  Even though these summer days are filled with warmth and promise, I am easily distracted by other options such as paddle boarding, hiking, and brunches.  I want to race.  I don’t want to train.  I want to play.  Is that bored?  Maybe, and frankly, I find that embarrassing.  I simply cannot be bored.  I find myself fidgeting with the possibility of boredom.

What does one do in this situation?  Create your own races.  Your own play dates.  Your own world of endless opportunites.  Yes, sometimes that is merely racing yourself, challenging yourself, and keeping your options open.

I call it the August humdrum.  What to do?

My entertaining ways to expel late summer blues:

  1. Race yourself.  If it’s your QOM/KOM or your commute time.  Keep yourself challenged and focused.

  2. Don’t be afraid to take that play day.  Skip the bike for the day to enjoy some paddle boarding and BBQ.  Summer isn’t endless, and it isn’t always about the bike.

  3. Keep an eye on your goals.  Is Nationals still in a couple of weeks?  Press on.  Stay focused, then reward yourself accordingly.

  4. Group race rides, gran fondos, local time trials…you name it.  Find those fun events that keep your motivation up, and you are getting the intensity in without “training”.  Heaven forbid you have to train when the weather is like this…

  5. Soak up these warm days.  Cherish them.  Remember them, for when we are all doing base miles in the winter.  Get rid of your tanlines, or use them as bragging rights.  Your choice.  Just don’t take any of these days for granted.

  6. Destination rides. Ride somewhere that is enticing.  Ride to the beach.  Ride to oysters.  Ride to wine.  Just give yourself a destination.  Enjoy the trip, and enjoy the destination.

  7. Drive to ride.  Fly to ride.  Pick a new route.  New county.  New state.  New country.  When the roads are new, boredom is far from your mind.  It is an adventure, and you are an explorer.

  8. Break your own records.


Well, at least I am not August bored anymore….

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